Make memories that last a lifetime.
Come for an hour or stay for the day with a membership that lasts all year!
Attend an event.
Experience fun and interactive special events while supporting your Zoo.
Help the Zoo thrive, grow & evolve.
The Zoo Society provides the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo $3 million for programs, operating support, and capital improvement projects each year.
A recognized national leader in animal care and welfare, Cleveland Metroparks Zoo supports a holistic view of animal health - from diet, to enrichment and environment.
Zoos play an important role in education by introducing students to inquiry-based science that captures their imaginations and encourages exploration and innovation.
Zoos play an important role in international wildlife conservation efforts. Zoos also have the unique opportunity to educate and inspire guests on animals they see in their communities.
Since 2000, the Zoo Society has provided more than $55 million in funding for the Zoo's capital improvement projects.
For Generous Donors
Serious support.
Serious committment.
The Pride supports the annual fund and allows Cleveland Metroparks Zoo to thrive, grow and evolve.
A future for trumpeter swans
In just 25 years the trumpeter swan population has gone from zero to over 800 and is steadily increasing.
Looking at animals (at the population level)
A veterinary epidemiologist is a vet who focuses on the health of animal populations.